Golf is a fantastic way to relax outdoor, but playing golf under hot sunlight is a displeased matter to overcome. It is impossible for a golfer to wait for cool weather in late-September for replaying. An experienced golfer must come with dirt and sweat on his shirt during the course. Below are different ways to help you feel comfortable on a golf course during hot summer.
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How to play Golf in Hot Weather
Get a golf cart
It is obvious that walking on a golf course always brings funny moments to players. However, if you want to escape from really hot weather, don’t hesitate to need the support from an effective golf cart. Sitting in a golf cart gives quicker movements under shade.
Bring Bottles of Freeze Water
One of the most efficient ways to deal with hot summer is freezing some bottles of water and bringing them along with you for every time of going out. In case the freeze water melts, you can use it for cooling down legs, arms, face or neck. This helps create the comfortable feelings, which contributes remarkably to your success on the course.
Look for shade
There is nothing more wonderful than relaxing under shade during the long golf course. It means you should find right place of shading such as a cart, small tree to avoid direct influence from sunlight.
Say “No” with alcohol
Wrong adult beverages will affect your performance in a golf competition. It is advisable for you to avoid these beverages as much as possible, like rum drinks or heavy alcohol. Light level of beer is one of the best options if you feel thirsty.
Choose suitable time for playing
If heat is one of the most important concerns when playing golf, you should start the tee time on the early morning. Some people might be afraid of waking up before dawn. However, it is fact that playing in the soon morning brings ultimate benefits to you as well as limiting several common golf issues such as playing slowly or feeling tired.
In addition, another helpful option is playing golf in the late day. This is considered as the best time for beating heat and reducing sweat. It helps minimize the direct effects of sunlight and makes you feel cool.
Use Bucket Hat
A simple but effective way to avoid heat is wearing the bucket hat, which offers a large shade on both neck and face. The major difference between a traditional ball cap and a bucket hat is the space of shading. Bucket hat offers more shade than the traditional one, contributing to help you against the fatigue from direct sunlight.
Wear Light-Colored Clothing
Add some light-colored clothes in your wardrobe for playing golf outdoor. Light color will create the cool feelings during summer vacation. Perhaps you are overweight and suitable with dark color. However, it is not important as getting cool sensation from light clothes.
Carry Extra Gloves
It is a good idea to bring some gloves with you to protect your hands from getting wet. This helps express the politeness of golfers when shaking hands with other partners.
Wear sunglasses
Wearing sunglasses not only creates cool style for amateurs, but also protects their eyes from sunlight. Do you want to look cool in black sunglasses? Some common problems you can relieve by wearing sunglasses are headaches, glared eyes and exhaustion.
Take the umbrella
Don’t feel embarrassed if you have to bring an umbrella to the golf course. The most important thing is that whether you could defeat your rivals or not. The umbrella is very useful in a sparse area of trees. Grab it!
Eat healthy snacks
Some types of snacks can help you feel more powerful for the next round. In addition to a pizza, you should prepare several healthy foods in your bag such as banana, sandwich, granola bar, peanut butter and more. They help you survival when feeling hungry in the golf course.
Wear shorts
There is no benefit for you to wear long pants in the golf course in summer days. You are players, not professionals. This remains your energy during the long course and reduces fatigue because of overheating.
Have short meals in each turn
It is advisable for you to provide enough energy for the first tee. Food eaten at each turn should include salt and calories. These elements add more water after each time of sweating.
Prepare cool towels
If you spend much time outdoor, remember to prepare some cool towels in your bag. Because these towels are wet, they have the capability of cooling down any part of your body. Therefore, even you are athletes or not, the cool towels can help you survive many summer rounds.
Drink enough sports drink
To provide more hydration into your body, you had better enjoy Gatorade, the drink with essential sodium and electrolytes for preventing the loss of water.
Drink much water
Even you are not thirsty, drink as much water as possible. Water is one of the most important factors that affect your game. After playing 3 holes, you should prevent dehydration by drinking water.
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