Although golf has been known as a low-impact sport, it comes with numerous injuries in different parts of our body. Most of common golf injuries are the consequence of overuse or weak mechanics. In this article, we are sharing the best ways for you to protect yourself from sudden and serious golf injuries or pains.
The area that is easily suffered by golf injuries is lower back, followed by elbows, wrists, shoulder, hands and fingers as well as sunburn.
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Golf Injury Prevention Tips
Lower Back
According to a sporty research, 75 to 85 percent of all Americans have to deal with back pains. In fact, there are a high number of golfers in this category. Lower back often occurs while putting, walking or swinging, not mention bending hundreds of times. It is obvious that when you do these activities, it leads to high impact on your spine and muscles. This might cause to minor strains in the back that easily turn into serious injuries.
Golf Injury Prevention and Solution
- It is advisable for you to work on your swing to extend the motion range of lumbar spine and lead hip rotation.
- Ask someone else to help you carry your bag. Shouldering heavy bags increase the risk of ankle and back injuries.
- You will need the support from exercises related to muscle strengthening.
- Surgery is the great solution for serious afflictions.
Another common injury that many golfers suffer is on elbow. It results mostly from repetitive movements, striking the ground or improper swing motion. The most common injury that affects your elbow is tendinitis. As you know, tendinitis refers to the influence on inner and outer tendon. The older you are, the higher chance you may be attacked by this type of injury.
Prevention and Solution
- Working on your swing is an efficient solution to prevent elbow injuries. The golf professionals will support you well in learning how to work properly on the swing.
- Stretching and strength lessons provide a good way to limit injuries.
- If the symptoms of elbow injuries are fairly mild, you should use a brace. To contrast, icing and resting is out-standing solution for moderate pains.
The overuse of the tendons, fast swing or repetitive movements are high risks for wrist injuries.
Golf Injury Prevention and Solution
- Remain correct postures.
- You had better attempt to strengthen your muscles in both hand and forearm. Appropriate exercises help you do this task well.
- To deal with wrist injury, take anti-inflammatory medicines and use a splint to treat the injuries.
Most of activities in a golf course require the contribution of all muscles near our shoulders. Some common problems you may cope with when playing golf include rotator cuff issues, arthritis, and impingement syndrome. It is terrible if your injuries become chronic.
Prevention and Solution
- You should make a good warm-up routine aiming at the shoulder to reduce related problems.
- For more stability, body-twisting exercises are great recommendations.
- Anti-inflammatory medications are useful for serious injuries.
Hands and Fingers
Your hands and fingers may be placed at high risk of injury due to repetitive motions of golf and high speed of swing. Both single severe trauma and repetitive blunt trauma can cause to broken bones, hammer syndrome and tendinitis.
Prevention and Solution
- Avoid hitting balls out of the artificial mats.
- Learn how to grip properly.
- Reduce long time of ball bashing.
Skin is the most sensitive part of our body to damage while playing golf outdoor. Normally, golfers often spend 4 to 5 hours per day playing in a large outdoor course. Regularly stand under the sun is a major reason causing to damages on skin as well skin cancer.
Golf Injury Prevention and Solution
- Make sure that you prepare necessary things before the game. One of the best ways is often adding SPF of 15 or higher to against the sun. Hat, protective clothing and sunglasses are must-have tools for outdoor activities.
- Right working on the swing mechanics is an important requirement.
- Avoid long courses.
- Create a warm up routine.
- Regularly stretch.
Other tips and warnings
In addition to these injuries above, golfers often have to deal with the risk of damages on other body parts such as foot and ankle, hip, neck, and knee. Below are our tips to help you stay in shape during the whole golf course.
Golf swing is a common activity that requires the repetitive movements of all muscles. Over time, this may cause to injuries due to significant stress on tendons, joints, etc…To adjust the swing in a right way, all you need are:
- Keep proper postures
Try to stand feet shoulder-width on the ground and keep your head rotated slightly outward. Straight spine and relatively bending knees are great suggestions. You shouldn’t hunch over the ball to avoid back and neck pains.
- Stay Smooth
Make the power of golf swing transfer smoothly in all muscles of your body. If you use only one part to hit ball, it easily causes to injuries. For instance, overusing your wrists might lead to the elbow pains.
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