How To Become A Professional Golfer In The USA?

The game consists of a ball, and a club is called the game for rich people. Yes, that is right. That gentle man’s game is “Golf”. People call it gentle man’s game because every player owns their own balls instead of all players are running after a single ball like players do while playing football.

It is famous as a game of rich man because of the cost of clubs and balls. When you take a tour of the sports corner, then only you will come to realize that a kit of golf balls is more expensive than a soccer ball. Those balls are only used by a single player, which can be easily lost by hitting them into water, woods and off the hills where in soccer a single ball is being used by 22 players at a time. Now you can easily understand why it is known as a game of a rich man.

[caption id="attachment_60" align="aligncenter" width="1225"]golf game Photo Credit:[/caption]

About the Game

  1. This game is out of those few games, which do not require a specified play area.

  2. It is based on how fewer strokes you strike to put the ball in a particular hole.

  3. There are 9 or 18 holes in one round. The standardized game consists 18 holes in one round.

  4. A club and a golf ball are required for this game where each club consists of a grip and a club head.

 There are two basic forms to play golf:

  • Match play: In match play, both teams play individual contest against each other.

  • Stroke play: In stroke play, each hole of a round is being calculated to get the total score. At the end of the game, it is sum up, and the team or a player who gets the lowest score wins the game.

  • Professional golfers play Stroke Play: There are other forms of golf known as skins, 9-points, Bogey competition, stable ford, and etcetera.

The level of grass depends on the difficulty of the game. Holes are being placed in a direct line of sight, or some are little bit bend.

Swing mechanism plays a vital role in golf. You have to swing your club in proper alignment and with proper time. The direction of swing of a club must be in a direction of a golf ball. It determines whether your golf ball will reach to the hole or not.

A Dream to Become a Professional Golfer

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Many people dream of being a professional golfer. It is not as easy as it seems. It takes hard work, dedication, passion, and patience. To live as a professional golfer is not less than a living a dream. It takes years to achieve that peak.

There are several important notions, which will help you to start your journey if you are planning to be a professional golfer.

There are several golf courses in the USA. Some of the mare listed below:

  • Cypress point

  • Pine valley

  • Shinnecock hills

  • Augusta National

  • Oakmont

How To Become A Professional Golfer

Following steps will help you to figure out your difficulties.

Step 1:

Conduct your own research before you step into this game.

1. Find out, which tours are conducted out there.

There are two tours mainly:

  • PGA tours: These tours are known as Professional Golf Association tours. These are running by this association. It runs the main professional tours in the US.

  • LPGA tours: It is known as Ladies Professional Golf Association tours. These are different from PGA tours. This is also an American organization, which is for female golfers.

Other countries also have LPGA, but the US was first to establish it. It runs training programs and qualifying school too.

These tours are very big tours to start, but as we know, things can be accomplished with small steps. Before planning to put your step into PGA and LPGA tours, you should start with small tours like The Canadian tour for men, The Gateway tour, The CN women’s Canadian tour, The Hooters tour for women, and etcetera.

PGA Tour

2. Observe what is the best way to step into PGA and LPGA tour.

There is a different way for every golfer but the known, and famous pathways give you the clear picture. It will help you to distinguish between better paths and uncertain paths. Some of the tours provide great training pitch and after getting into those tours, you can improve your game. These tours give you the best chance to experience a real golf, which is very necessary to experience to become a professional golfer.

3. Figure out what kind of game you need to practice to play on those tours.

You need to go through old established records for those games so that you will come to know, which type of game is expected from you. Once you get a clear idea of the expected game, then you will be able to work on your own game and the factors you are supposed to improve to enter in a new ring. From these records, you can confront your capabilities, and you can decide whether you are able to compete at that level of the game or not.

4. The crucial aspect to look at is a credibility of a tour.

Some small tours are not trusted worthy. Some golfer put lots of money for tours, but they end up losing their money. Small tours are very expensive too. It is essential to do all the necessary research about the tour you are hoping for. It is a waste in spending your hard-earned fortune like this.

Go for only those tours, which seem trustworthy and worthy to play. These small tours are very pivotal because it gives you the great platform to assess your game and improve at that level, which is very necessary for PGA and LPGA tour. Pick your tours as a beginner wisely because that will decide how long your journey will continue as a golfer.

5. Estimate your expenses for your tour.

This is the very important thing you need to keep in mind. As you already know how expensive this game is, tours differ in expense too. Before you sign up for your tour, look for estimated amount of your tour. Some tours post their estimated expenses as they have a clear idea of their tour. Some tours have memberships and other fees, which can provide you the necessary information for your investment.

The only thing, which you cannot determine easily is expenses of your living and traveling. For this, you need to consult other experienced golfers. They are the only ones who can give you the lucid idea for your expenses of tours. In the beginning, you will face this type of problems but with time and after few tours, you will come to know how things work.

[caption id="attachment_63" align="aligncenter" width="806"]professional golf Photo Credit:[/caption]

Step 2:

Create your own roadmap.

  • After completing your research on each and every required direction, you need to plan your journey as a golfer to reach the PGA or LPGA tour.

  • The thing you must be acknowledged while planning for your pathway is to be realistic. You are not supposed to push yourself where you will never reach.

  • You need to examine your ability and according to that, you need to create your pathway. Do not expect too many things from yourself. Keep one thing your mind that you cannot achieve the title as a professional golfer It takes time. For every golfer, it varies.

  • You must also be well aware of how long it will take to reach there. While doing this, you have to think in possible ways only. Be reasonable with yourself before you find yourself out of the race.

  • Another aspect is to look for your sponsor’s potential to provide you the money to play your game. This thing is paramount because it will decide your fate whether you will be able to play golf or not. Everyone is aware of how expensive this game is.

  • You need to create your budget for your tour after you are done with your research. It is very important that you have done your research very well.

  • After creating your roadmap for it, you need to start working on your game. For every mini-tour like Canadian tour, you will need at least 6-7 months to prepare.

  • After this time span, if you do not feel confident about your game then you should keep practicing. There is no need to hurry to go for these tours. You will only end up wasting your money and time.

  • Your wait and hard work for this game will worth at the end if you work according to your plan to reach PGA or LPGA tour.

The main reason for creating this pathway is to provide you the clear idea. It will show you the path on, which you are supposed to walk to reach PGA and LPGA tour. This helps you to motivate yourself and gives you enough reason to hold patience and to throw out the thought of giving up in the middle of the way.

Jump in this pool only when you feel cent percent confident that it is worth to jump.

Step 3:

Find your backbone for your golf career.

  • One fact you should not stop considering is playing golf will cost you a lot. Golf is very expensive game. This is the bitter truth, but that is the only reality.

  • If you want to become a professional golfer then certainly you will need help from others.

  • The first rule to reach to your dreams is to realize that this journey is not going to be smooth at all. There will be many sets back but how you will deal with those setbacks will determine your career as a professional golfer.

  • For a start, this may seem a difficult task. Keep one thing in your mind that there are several ways to deal with this problem. If you cannot deal with it by yourself, then you should not hesitate even for a moment to ask for help.

  • Some people are very eager to help others in fulfilling their dreams, so it does not matter how many people are not ready to help you with this problems.

You need to focus on those people only who are eager to help you. Learn to deal with failures and start finding other ways to walk if you find yourself stuck in the middle of something. Remember that there is always a way to your dreams. There is only efforts and determination, which are asked by that path. Never stop trying and after few years, you will certainly find yourself as a professional golfer.

Step 4:

Get appropriate and required coaching.

If you are practicing golf to play at PGA or LPGA tour then certainly you will require coaches. They play a crucial role to show you the correct direction to work on because working hard cannot be the only required factor but it is working hard in a right direction.

Without a coach, you will never be able to understand various tactics, which will be required at LGA and PLGA tour. These can only be taught by experienced golfers who have spent their many years learning those tactics.

You will require three types of coaches who will be able to help you throughout your journey of becoming a professional golfer. Such types are mentioned below.

1. Swing coach

  • Swing mechanism is a personal touch of every player. Every golfer owns their own style for it. You need to find someone who can understand your way of playing.

  • If you have your swing coach from the beginning of your journey, then you should not allow yourself to switch to someone else. That couch may be aware of your style very well that no one else will be able to understand that. The way that person can help you, it is possible that no one else can do same for you.

  • If you do not have your swing coach from the beginning, then you need to find someone who can match your way of playing. It is very necessary to find someone who will be able to understand your goals and that bond can be created between both of you.

  • It becomes imperative to find someone who has faith on your journey, and you can trust him.

2. Conditioning coach

  • In each game, our body is the main tool which decides the fate of your game. In golf, clubs and balls are not the primary things, which decide the result of the game but your body is.

  • Your body needs to be perfectly trained to become a professional golf player.

  • You need to find someone as your conditioning coach which can understand the game of golf and even more about the human

  • Your trainer should be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. He must be able to work with you taking your responsibility on his shoulder. It is very necessary that he knows how to improve your weaknesses and increase your strength.

  • You will not be able to find a single golfer you is not spending fewer hours of his week in a gym.

  • Certainly it is not a part of your schedule, but it is far more important to establish your career as a golfer.

  • If you are fit, then it will determine your quality of your game.

3. Mental Couch

  • It will be great if you are rich enough to hire a psychologist for you.

  • A psychologist is required for your coaching because golf is not the physical game only.

  • You will require much more mental strength to compete with other golfers.

  • It is not easy to find a mental couch for everyone because no golfer can compromise with other two coaches as their role is very crucial and there are no other alternatives.

  • You can find alternatives with this one, You can inspire yourself by referring work of legends in golf. Their writings can inspire and motivate you at each stage.

  • You should find someone’s work, which can influence you more and then you should follow that way.

Step 5:

It is your time for the transition now!

  • Now as you have the entire required pool of things in your bucket, then it is your turn.

  • After doing all the research work, collecting money from sponsors, Routing your path, and Reaching to all coaches, you need to decide from, which way you want to enter in this game.

  • This decision will decide how long it will take for you to become a professional golfer.

  • Sometimes you qualify to turn as a professional golfer, and you can reach to PGA or LPGA tour.

After completing all these steps, now you are allowed to name yourself as a professional golf player. Congratulations!

Few Things You Need to Keep in Mind as a Professional Golf Player

[caption id="attachment_64" align="aligncenter" width="800"]pro golfing Photo Credit:[/caption]

Never lose your positive attitude.

  • Keep one thing in your mind that sometimes roads can be dusty and filled with heavy stones but it is only you who can help yourself to get rid of all problems.

  • Certainly you will face problems like losing the game, missing strokes, poor play, and most importantly loneliness. Missing your home and your loved ones is the usual feeling but to overcome all of these obstacles is necessary if you want to continue your career as a professional golf player.

  • Self-confidence and positive attitude towards your game will help you to improve your game and to make your life worth living as a professional golf player.

  • Always walk with optimistic thinking on this path regardless of all the obstacles you will face.

Maintain your diet.

  • Eating proper food is essential for your game. As we know it is our body that plays on a field, then it is must to maintain it.

  • You need to quit fast food first. It does not provide necessary nutrients.

  • Providing your body correct food is as important as to fuel a car for a ride. You cannot deny the fact to fulfill your taste.

Kill extra time enjoying your hobby.

  • Every golfer has their own hobbies. On tours, every golfer gets some time to do extra things.

  • During this span of time, a person should do activities, which lighten their mind. Reading can be the interesting activity to do as it gives you the things to discuss with other players and make new friends.

Find a place to work out.

  • It does not matter where you are. It is very important for you to find a gym or a place to work out.

  • You cannot play at your best if you are not in your perfect physic.

  • Continuous work out is very important for your game. You should prepare one schedule for exercising.

Joie de vivre

  • It is very important to enjoy whatever you are doing in your life. That defines you, and it helps you to move forward every time.

  • A life of a professional golfer gives the chance to explore new places all around the world, a chance to meet new people, and most importantly a chance to play Golf, game, which is known as Gentleman’s game!

  • Never forget, which life you are living as a professional golfer because very few get that chance to live this life. Never lose that sight of living.


I hope that above mentioned tips for “How to become a professional golfer in the USA?” will help you. You can always find details about this game at several places. This blog explains the tactics for becoming a professional golfer and maintaining that state of living.

Do you have some suggestions? Mention them below in comment box and let us know your reviews. We would be more than happy to assist you.

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